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"I am determined to make sure that people who have traditionally been left out
of dominant media narratives will have their voices heard, valued and upheld
in the health care zeitgeist. As a media analyst, I've been tracking how nurses are represented and used as sources in entertainment and news media."



In 1997, the Woodhull Study on Nurses and Media: Health Care’s Invisible Partner found that nurses were cited as sources in only 4% of health news stories in leading print media of the day. Twenty years later, as a co-investigator, our research team conducted a replication of this study and found that nurses were cited as sources in only 2% of health news stories. A 2018 companion study was also conducted that explored journalists’ experiences with using nurses as sources to identify the factors that make nurses invisible in health news media. These studies have been published in two publications:


Myers, C.R., Munoz, R., Mason, D.J., Glickstein, B. (2022). Media competencies for nurses: A Delphi study Nursing Outlook, 70 (4), 625-638.


Mason, D. J., Nixon, L., Glickstein, B., Han, S.,Westphaln, K., & Carter, S., (2018). The Woodhull Study Revisited: Nurses’ Representation in Health News Media 20 Years Later

Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 50 (6), 695–704.


Mason, D. J., Glickstein, B., & Westphaln, K. (2018). Journalists’ Experiences with Using Nurses as Sources in Health News Stories. American Journal of Nursing, 118 (10), 42-50.


Additional Publications on Woodhull Study Revisited



Mason, D.J., Glickstein, B. Beyond the food and tchotchkes: a challenge for nurses week 9 April 2019


Mason, D.J., Glickstein, B. “Why don’t health journalists interview nurses? We asked them.”

Center for Health Journalism. 8 January 2019


Mason, D.J., Glickstein, B. Underrepresentation of nurses in health care coverage continues to be a concern 8 May 2018

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