
I have had the opportunity to work with Barbara Glickstein on multiple projects ranging from shared media training with faculty from the University of California, San Francisco and the American Nurses Association/California to research projects specific to Anti-Racism in Nursing. Barbara is a master teacher and a skilled trainer in strategic communications, developing and using Nursing voice and building valuable skills to provide both accurate and effective science communication. Her training in both nursing and public health affords her a unique skill set that allows her to expertly guide work with a wide range of audiences. I have learned a great deal with and from her and am grateful to be able to work closely with her. I highly recommend her as she produces and facilitates high quality work.
Monica R. McLemore
RN, MPH, PhD (Dr/She/Her/Hers)
Professor, Child, Family and Population Health Department
Interim Director, Manning Price-Spratlen Center for Anti-Racism and Equity (MPS-CARE) in Nursing
Interim Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (AD/EDI)
University of Washington, School of Nursing
Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Systems and Population Health
University of Washington, School of Public Health

What can nurses do when they seek to create and step into a space that supports their destiny? As a national leader who is championing ways to mitigate healthcare disparities, it was critical for me to craft and deliver an empowering message that sparked deep concern and staunch determination. Thanks to the skills I developed from Barbara Glickstein's public speaking and media training, I am using the power of voice to transform nursing education!
Kenya V. Beard
2012 Josiah Macy Faculty Scholar
Inaugural Dean & Chief Academic Officer School of Nursing Mercy University

Barbara Glickstein considers media her public health nursing practice and lives these words in her actions, presentations, research, publications, and seminars. Barbara is synonymous with nursing media expertise. She has devoted her career to teaching nursing media competencies to legions of nurses at every level of practice, from the bedside to the C-Suite. Barbara’s vision to ignite the voice of nurses as sources in media is her driving force for influencing change from both the nurses’ and health journalists' perspectives. Her success is evident through the widening use of nurses as content experts in health-related news stories.
Robin Cogan
Nationally Certified School Nurse Faculty Rutgers-Camden School Nurse Certificate Program
Johnson & Johnson School Health Fellow

Barbara’s instincts to help unPrison Project focus our media awareness has been invaluable. We continue to seek her guidance and recommendations for how we can further advance public awareness about mass incarceration of women.
Deborah Jiang-Stein
CEO, unPrison Project

Barbara is an outstanding and creative publicist, who used her media skills to help me carry out a successful book launch. She helped me dream. We set intelligent goals that we accomplished. She is a marvelous networker and is able to share her knowledge. Her strategy for reaching journalists led to excellent NY Times and Wall Street Journal coverage of my work.
We found the right podcast hosts to connect with. Her positive energy and meaningful support for my work were qualities that I could not have found anywhere else.
Judith R. Smith
Author, Difficult: Mothering Challenging Adult Children through Conflict and Change

Barbara has been an ardent nurse advocate who uses her communication gift to move and mobilize nursing voices. I have had the privilege of being a recipient of Barbara's guidance and mentorship for many years. I have had the privilege of Barbara’s skills, wisdom, and media savvy input in my various positions as an academic, administrator and senior healthcare leader. In fact, I still rely on her knowledge base and utilize her tips routinely, with confidence knowing that she is just an email or text away. Personally, and professionally, Barbara remains a reliable and trusted expert advisor; her expertise is widely respected and sought after. Her energy is infectious, and she is the go-to nurse media guru who can be counted on to deliver. Barbara has educated many of us in our media skills and critical media essentials that serve as the foundation that I continue to use routinely. Her depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of what is needed to prepare you and propel your media pursuits verbally, written, or conceptually, are exceptional and proven. Barbara's innovative approaches and media solutions work. I am beyond grateful for Barbara's guidance over the years, and I will continue to count on her leadership and support in navigating many of the media waters to come. Without hesitation or reservation, I highly admire and endorse the work and services of Barbara Glickstein.
Dr. Camile Burnett
Innovative Nurse Leader, Scientist, and Consultant